I got this groovy mag today. Here's my friend Fi's stuff- does she ever stop? Here as well.... (she made Pepper!)
And on a different page, completely different article- my phone cover! Well, an I-Pod/ i phone cover, does mine nicely in chenille. Hmm... this is becoming a habit.
Yay, glad she got there safely (and so quickly!).
Love the button magazine ideas.... will be stealing a few of those! Including the cellphone cover idea!
and THANKS for the compliment! I think it's the sunglasses :) i had to do a double read and then check what photo i had up to make sure it was me! haha
Your love of chenile is proving functional AND beautiful! I must admit, I love the feel of it, but never find any in Syndey Op Shops, not sure why? Maybe as Melbourne gets colder than Sydney? Though, finding that hard to believe tonight!!
Oooh, let's take mags to Sewjourn so we can save more money by checking out other people's.
Cute! I had a sneaky look at the magazine instead o paying $6 for it :)
lovely gift in your polka dot swap :-)
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