From the land of boxes, a quick hello! I'm still here, sinking away under tape and paper, hoping I remember to mark everything, not really caring anymore if I don't! Thought I pretend to play along with a few things, but here's a bit of mish-mash.
Scienceworks provided a good distraction yesterday morning, and a good excuse to wear the Xmas t shirt again!
I remember when she couldn't reach the peddles!
A bit of Winter Olympics inspiration....
A lot sportier than me- I managed to give myself a bung knee riding the bike that moves the skeleton, R.I.C.E and moving house don't mix, but I'm trying!
Scienceworks had a great toy exhibition on, check out the crafty Banskia Man.
Some sewing from a while back- a great 80's shirred dress, kiddie size, to be followed up with an adult sized one. I have a queen sized doona cover that will do the trick, however, I'm itching top keep it for my bed!!! Have to think about it.....
and a flea market find....great 80's jumper for the little one, she said she likes it, we'll see...
See here for more great Flea Market Finds
i remember those jumpers during the 80s when they were all the rage and i never bought one them ... can i say i associated them with middle age women who wear moccasins and tracky dacks! LOL
My mum knitted me a fair-isle jumper on the knitting machine that I sewed together. There were so many loose ends (from all the colour changes) to thread into the seams.
How long until you actually move? It mustn't be long now if you're not labelling all of the boxes. On the last day we were always throwing things into washing baskets and garbage bags. I hope it all goes well for you.
Oh I used to have a jumper like that when I was little. So cute! Thanks so much for playing along.
Sophie x
Good luck with the move xxxxx
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