Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cookbook review


Rather, a shameful post- the kid commented this morning that 'that book never seems to move'.
Hmm, good point.
I've wanted this book for ages, when I saw it on a friend's bookshelf a few months ago, I asked her if she'd used it yet. She told me it was my birthday present but I couldn't have it until my birthday (about 9mths away at the time).
So when my sis went away for 6mths, (6weeks ago!) I swiped her copy. 'Don't get it dirty' were the only instructions....

So after the gentle nudge from the kid, I decided chicken pie sounded good, and it was one we'd seen him cook on the show (and drooled over). Neither of use are real fans of cooked carrots, so I thought I'd try the pie and and smashed carrots on page 92.

Product placement a la masterchef....

Instead of the french peas I chucked frozen peas in with the carrots. Yum!

Then the reminder why I don't do too much 'fancy' cooking;

thankfully 'the hubby' did the dishes.

So 30 mins? Not quite for me,but I'm a sole parent trying to get a kid in the shower and the whinging animals fed too! Definitely under an hour, and mid week too! And it's not like you have to scour through it for a quick recipe! If you want to leave things off, you can- we did have dessert, thanks to Coles!

Nice one!


Selina said...

Your hubby is so handsome! I bet he never lets you down either!

I bought that book a while ago, I love Jamie so much, still have yet to use a recipe from it though.... your dinner does look good!

Jessica Lonard (The Crafty Librarian) said...

I bought this book just today! Social Club Books at my work had it for $20. Yay! I look forward to making this, it looks yummy (^_^)

CurlyPops said...

You can knock another 10 minutes off if you buy the chicken pre-sliced.... or have an assistant who does all that for you off camera a'la Jamie!

Unknown said...

Jamie Oliver cookbooks are a stand-by gift for the other half around here. Win-win I say. He loves the books, I love the food :)

Unknown said...

I should also add that he's never cooked any of them in 30 minutes either.

Angie said...

I'm glad you added the real time-frame, it drives me nuts when recipes take way longer than they say! I made an 'easy' cake recipe the other was easy, but it used FOUR separate bowls....not so easy on the cleaning up end of things!

Everyone here eats there carrots raw too so that would cut out a bit of time (plus the smalls prefer their frozen peas still frozen...a masterchef I am not!)

Ange Moore said...

We've got this book at our place and the recipes are yummy but sefinitely take more than 30 minutes the first time you try them! Perhaps with practice you can get them down to the Jamie-suggested half hour.

PS. Hubby very handsome!!

Anonymous said...

I love this recipe, gets the family approval everytime!! Though it's very clear Jamie cooks this with no kids hanging around his feet because it certainly takes longer than 30mins!