Arghh, still so many boxes to unpack. A busy 2 weeks at work has left a day or 2 on the weekend to unpack, and I hit it hard today! The child's room was first to be done (I figured she'd have somewhere to go and hide then when I was doing the other rooms).
And don't laugh- I still can't find the screws for the beds, so the mattress on the floor and part of the bed to measure the height was the best I can do! Low expectations in this house......
I REALLY did think this was an original one, but no, Adairs kids thought of it first. Expect Little Miss painted her wooden 'dream' and I chucked out the mirrored ones. We love the clouds though. And her and Tinniegirl's 'light as a feather' painting (she changed the way it hung, needed a change) was first on the wall!
She's gone from 24 cubes to 8- lots of decisions had to be made!
and some arty-farty (out of focus) ones she took while I was busy- my sewing room
new toothbrush holder/ soap dispenser
and one she wanted back on the wall in the hallway- the first canvas I made for her when I got her big bed, about 2 and 1/2 she was.
It is fun finding and recycling old stuff, appreciating what I started with and where I'm at. Now if you bed screws can hear me, IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!
EDIT: They heard me! Today, the 23/3/2010 something said to me "move those 2 split garbage bags of child's bed cushions back to the garage' and I did- deciding to combine them into one big bag. And there they were, in a blue version of a green shopping bag, some legs from my bed, screws and hopefully some Allen keys.
Off to buy a lottery ticket!
(I will tape them to the bed next time, I promise!)