I, like many crafty vintage collector bloggers out there, love canisters- great for sewing odds and ends, or chocolate Easter eggs (good at hiding them, I should say). SO when I stumbled across these on my lunch break yesterday I 1) thanked the Lord I was at work near an op shop and 2) bought them.
So cute! I had a very envious customer behind me in the line most upset she didn't see them first. Sucker!
There was also a big basket of fabric- yes, I looked like a twit when I tipped it upside down, old lady, but I got fabric and you didn't! $3 for the massive bit of floral and polka dots, $1.50 for the others. The blue with white daisy's is an apron.
And I thought I'd freak people out like I get freaked out when I scroll onto a shot like this! Missing teeth! But here is the problem- see those 2 tiny gaps left and right of the bottom 2? Teeth have to fit there. I can't get a 5c piece on the side in those gaps, and big fat adult teeth are meant to go there. Crap. Anyone know an orthodontist I could date?

My favourite part of the pic is the teeny tiny hairs on her nose! And the gap between her top teeth- apparently it means you'll be rich if you have one of those, and if you look at Madonna....
Don't worry about the tooth gap. My daughter has one too and its basically because the line that goes in the middle of your lip is too low. Braces can fix it so can surgery. They also have other ways to do it without surgery so I would check into it with a dentist and then have them recommend you to an orthodontist. My daughter's has grown close together enough that as an adult it is part of her now not something to worry about :)
Bec I'm having cannister envy
Hate to break it to you, but I'm still hanging out for the gappy teeth, get-rich-quick scheme...(munificent canisters).
Will keep my eyes out for a spunky ortho for you, we have the same problem occurring here, bother.
oh I am LOVING those cannisters hat a wonderful find my nan had the Flour etc ones like that
Great finds, I LOVE the faux patchwork, I am obsessed with that at the moment. And gappy teeth too, my husband has them, and our oldest son, and my best girlfriend in England, I find them really cute and attractive. Don't try to change them!
(my younger son and I don't have gappy teeth but we do have gappy toes)
It's a good thing you're good at finding awesome bargains .... what with the dental bills coming your way.
(But don't you have to wait until they're a bit older to see if all the teeth just settle in or something!!)
Man! Look at those mini hexies. I think if it were me I would quilt them in such a way that everyone thought I was a miracle mini-hexie queen.
Great finds - cute canisters like the ones Gran had.
Gotta love when work and shopping opportunities just happen to coincide.
Great pile of fabric. My six year old has that gap in her two front teeth thing going on too. Maybe its got something to do with why they both ripped their dortjes in the same spot.
The kids jaw will still grow, only when they get their canines around age 10,11 you can really see if they need ortho. The ages before, 8 or 9 they call the ugly duckling stage because the teeth look too big for the smaller head and usually has huge gaps between the front teeth. Don't worry! x L
what a beautiful fabric stash! well done :)
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