Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Next one

Saturday, March 28, 2009
A great Saturday
Op Shop Frenzy
A quick suburb guide. Thursday saw me at Abbotsford Salvo's (very quick look as I need to find the loo, and they told me Hoddle St was the closest!), Richmond Salvo's and Nth Melbourne (just opened! On Errol St). Then Friday was Altona Salvo's, then Hoppers Crossing, which I can't believe is in the cul de sac next to the Vinnies, and I've never seen it. I have decided to only hit Salvo's at the moment, the quality off their stuff is better, even if their prices are a bit higher- oh, well, you get what you pay for, I suppose!
Altona gave me a great set of books. I love Jodi Picoult, and nearly have all of hers now.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
My Creative Space
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
I woke this morning to the sound of rain, and it continued for wuite a while. These slippers are getting on, and one has a hole, but I like them- considering my daggy brown carpet I walk around on!!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Lookin' Good
Hand quilting
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Great article
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Waiting for.....
Friday, March 20, 2009
My Creative Space
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Boy oh boy oh boy
Saturday, March 14, 2009
The show (again)
As we were driving back to the Stitches and Craft Show today, Little Miss "I'm a big girl" in the back asked when she would get her own blog. She has learnt this week that 'www' means a website- I am constantly being told things have a website now, whenever she sees the "www". So I said until she can read and type, she can share my blog, and therefore the next 2 photos are dedicated to her (as if I wouldn't have shown them anyway!)
A new craft- sand art. She wasn't happy about it being taken home, wanting to do it at the show, but a stern talking to has seen her very happy with my decision, and she has finished this one off tonight. Not much mess, no, don't worry, I was vacuuming anyway!
We also bought this little beading kit ($5) to make bracelets etc. My beads are all a bit small, I thought this was more 5 yr old size. Or maybe I'll make them for me!
Friday, March 13, 2009
You can teach an old dog.....
I spent a few hrs at the show today, where there is a whole section for blogger craft, plus all the usual stamping, beading, embroidery, knitting...just about anything a crafty sewey type like me could want. I did a few rows, had a few chats, and then a few more chats (!) and had a browse at about half the stalls- look what I got when I subscribed to Homespun....
An the new trick I learnt- rubber stamps. Holly of Two Cheese Please shared this with us, and I now one the tool, some rubber bits and a new hobby! Little Miss liked the chicken stamp, I told her to find me some pics and I'll make her some (so she doesn't cut her fingers off!)
I am returning with her in tow tomorrow, to do a kid sort of craft lab, and lots of looking. I dare say lots of treats to keep her quiet, too, but it'll be worth it, I hope.
Off to read my magazines and rest up.....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
A crafty week
My creative space
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Playing along
I wasn't sure what I was going to write about, but I sat and had a good think and had a memory....
Of yucky yucky sandwiches. I hated them. Didn't really matter what was on them. I can't remember when it started, but I know my bad habit of skipping lunch started really early, and probably only ended when I could buy my own (uni days?).
Lunch orders at school were the awesomest treat, with a meat pie being right up there. I would always peel off the top layer of pastry, and spoon the meat out into my mouth, then roll up the bottom bit....mmmm, yum. And a Moove, usually strawberry.
High school had a canteen, and many lunches were binned and a finger bun and Paddle Pop did me just fine. I remember a competition with me best friend on who could eat the same thing for the longest time, and I survived on Vegemite sandwiches with white bread for EVER, but don't remember it finishing.
I remember year 12 in high school when we had our own 'room' to hang out in, so cool we were, and a sandwich toaster was the height of sophistication. Polish salami and cheese was the highlight of my day, toasted and very good.
The last 6 weeks of making a school lunch has had me petrified. What is she wastes all my hard efforts like I did to my parents? Not to mention the cost! What to put on it, what to put with it, how to present it.... all these questions and more.
My mind has been put at ease (sort of) with comments such as
"That was the best lunch I have ever had" (a chicken and avocado sandwich with mayo)
Empty containers!
"All the kids said I was bad" (after sneaking in a mini Mars Bar after getting a black eye the day before)
"I didn't have enough food, you need to send play lunch!!" (We had 2 meals at school, now they have 4! Can't keep up!)
"Don't ever give me Vegemite again!"
"Why can't I have a lunch order?"
Enough said! Read more here. Thanks Pip for the stroll down memory lane!