Hmm, global warming has a lot to answer for! Hot or cold, no in between! Today was definatley a hot one- and my summer faves have all popped up.
Like salad dinners. this one in a yummy roll. Actually we had them for lunch, too, I am so rapt that Little Miss is eating lettuce! She realises she gets to say 'poo' when she does, as in 'it makes my poo soft'- hey, I have to get her to eat it somehow! My grandfather used to say 'lettuce cleans your blood'- not as exciting too a potty mouth age school kid!
All tuckered out.....
Not much is better than a six pack of beer - especially when it's somehting with fruit in it.
I've got to say my fave summer treat is a chilled slice of mango... yummm.
I love home made burgers....only if the hot stuff (eggplant or fish or meat) is cooked outside on the BBQ - preferably not by me.
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