It was a short sleeved t-shirt, so the sleeves weren't long enough, but it's a summer baby, sort of anyway.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Too cute
It was a short sleeved t-shirt, so the sleeves weren't long enough, but it's a summer baby, sort of anyway.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Making presents
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A hard earned thirst needs a good old....
remember 'throw downs'? They are my best memory of cracker night. That and trying not to get killed! I wonder what our children's equivalent is? After my Ikea jaunt the other day and four new candle holders, my girl now sleeps to candlelight, maybe she doesn't need the thrill of cracker night as she has candles each night. I have never had her sleep so quickly as now she has candles to gaze into......
Monday, August 25, 2008
2 quilts
Will post a few more finished ones during the week. I have about 10 cut out out the moment, all in varying stages of completion, waiting for the day I have a market or something.
Knock Knock
Ok, don't know what these pics have done, will keep going to see what happens. After my woeful blog yesterday (as in how feeling sorry for myself was I?) I packed us up and headed to...Ikea. Me and the rest of Melbourne. I thought there was someone famous there or something. Photo by 4 yr in back of car as we left, she is way too good at using my camera. I didn't go with anything in mind, maybe some inspiration, I thought...
rested in the trolley, after a kiddie meal in the cafe.
Lastly, my favourite shopping mate, despite what I said in my last post!
Strategic seat belt too, how funny, she is a ham at the best of times, let alone when there is a camera. Here's a sample:
"Knock Knock"
Who's there?
Courtney who?
"Courtney fish lately?"
As I can only put 5 pics (?) I will post later with my quilt pics
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Single life
Sunday blues have hit me, I find the weekends so hard to do stuff. Working, running the house, all these things I do on my own, and I get a bit tired. During the week I have friends to talk to, can ring up or pop in for a coffee, weekends are very much family time, I find. Dad's home from work, wants top hang out with mum and kids, go visiting or do zoo's, museums etc. I find going to those places hard, my daughter runs around and has the time of her life, and I have no one to talk to or say "hey check that out". Hope I don't sound too whingy. I didn't plan to be on my own at this point, I expected a few more little tackers around too, so I often get a bit frustrated. Does anyone have ideas for me? Something not involving too much money is also handy. If I had unlimited cash flow, I could definately find more entertainment. Luckiliy little miss is happy with Ariel the Mermaid whilst I finish up the chores, then maybe in the car for a drive to somewhere. I'll keep you posted.....
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Binding done
here is another funky op shop doona, single bed, great bright fabrics, I think there is something in this- doona bags? Theeir are so many great colours, it's a waste to leave them on the bed haha. I am also posting at, there is another beauty there from me tonight.
Later Gater
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Sick day blues
Yellow floral bias tape and
I decide this was resting as I sat on the couch, with the ironing board really low, and watch ER and made tape. I have a heap of baby quilts to finish, so this was a necessary project, plain bought stuff being too boring. I used this little gadget, which eliminated the burning fingers and melted tape measure jobs of the past. Mind you, the metal thing gets hot. I made the 25mm tape, so quick and easy. The rest of the site is good, too, I made the yo-yo canvas with their yo yo maker, idiot proof, really.
Being sick makes you a bit sooky, though, my cat decided to reject me last night and slept in my child room- sob, I missed the annoyance and miaowing when I rolled over. At least i got to wear my trackies with style, and went bra-less for comfort, worse still I left the house like that! Not that anyone could notice, with scarfs and jumpers etc, but I knew. Very liberating haha.
Back to the bias making, lots more to do.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Op Shop Thursday
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
where to start
I am finishing 2 little toys on keychains for my kiddies friends to take on their holiday, and have the carpets being cleaned on Thursday. I am working all day tomorrow too. And have the 3 rooms and hallway to clean out into the lino-ed dining room by Thurs morning. Ever don't this yourself? And remember the photo from my last post, of the mess in my bedroom? It is STILL like that.
'Slurp' as I drink my extra strong coffee- gotta go and clean/sew/tidy- hang out washing etc.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Today's project
Early Sunday morning
I sent the offending cat, Ace, outside and will deal with her later!
This is how she likes to sit and watch me on the computer. She doesn't stay for long, then she likes to sit on my lap, or walk across the keyboard flicking her tail in my face.
I also thought i'd warn everyone about this addiction, it is quite severe and I am about to start kiddy in a treatment program- Cruskit addiction! With vegemite THEN butter, and pray you don't mix that up! They have replaced bread, snacks, and generally every meal if she can get away with it. If I ask 'what do you want to eat?" I will get the Cruskit answer. They are pretty good. Funny favourite, though.