Have a bee in my bonnet right now....well, actually the opposite, I've been in a funk for about a week now, it is driving me nuts! But I have found relief- in Pinnies! After the great response to Little Miss's dress (got lots of comments on our trek to the city yesterday) I decided to make some to re-launch my Etsy shop. These are tops, though, in sizes 4 and 5. I think I will do one, and then the size can be ordered, what do you think? My over locker is a dream, and even bias binding the arm and neck holes takes no time, I'm loving these right now! Great over tees and pants for winter!! (Don't wait order know, my 2 Hollie Hobbie prints may run out).
Also, as I sat sewing I heard the distinctive sound of a parcel delivery- the doorbell rang then the gate shut 2 secs later, a drop and run. How come then do I sometimes need to take the card to the post office? Always a puzzle.
Anyhoo, I won this one Ebay- I thought it was Enid, but no, but still a good time to be had!
This little boys has a cup of Horlicks! And a toothbrush in his pocket!
And the boilersuits are 'too cool for school'. Lots of practical items as well, though, not just all eye candy haha.
Lyn, the seller, is awesome, look what she sent along with my win. She said to pass them on if I didn't want them. She so doesn't know me! The CWA one looks a treasure!
School holidays are upon us, so far so good for me. A few days in vacation care, a few outings planned, and still a nice early bedtime- sweeet! Ask me in a week or so though!