Sunday, October 24, 2010

Blogtoberfest '10 day 24

The day came out beautifully for some pics- of my new 'couch/cuddle' quilt. Actually, a 'because I like
jelly rolls' quilt. It looks a tinge orange-y in this pic;

this is a better idea of the colours. I used my gifted piece of FMF, and the
purple-y one above it was extra, too. I wanted it a bit bigger than the last one.

The purple chenille backing is thick and cosy;

 Today was another babysitting day, as this boys mum's had a birthday! She was taken out for lunch, so I had my sewing helper and his sister; after helping me with some binding on a quilt, I added a handle to a pre-made bag, and he was set!

Perfect for his hat, sunnies and drink. (I love these man bags, but didn't have the time!)

 The girls liked it!            

We did go to the park, but the small one- I wasn't risking a heart
attack by carrying a 3 yr old up 'Death Hill' again!

EDIT: Nearly forgot to add my Blogtoberfest giveaway! Actually, each day I keep forgetting, so I went back and remembered:

I am 2 followers off 100! Yay! So whoever becomes a follower by Wednesday the 27th October will be in the running  for a mystery prize! If I don't reach 100 by Wednesday, the giveaway won't be on! Yes, blatant bribery at work, my blog, don't care!

So 2 or more followers and one of you wins a prize!


Mistea said...

That quilt looks perfect for a couch snuggle in the cool evening.

Love the chenille on the back too.

Sue said...

The quilt looks amazing Bec! I have 2 jelly rolls sitting in my stash and perhaps I could make one of those for my couch to cuddle up in, although it would be more likely for Isabelle to fall asleep under. I like the man bag too, it looks great for boys or girls! Hope you werent too pooped after babysitting all weekend!