Another fun (but demented) kind of day, looking after this little rascal. He gave me mt first mini-tanty, very cute, but a sign of things to come, I'm sure!
He's right in to helping, so we got a bit of tidying done, he helped with a few blocks of his b'day quilt (it's a surprise for mummy, really, he couldn't care less!)
And I had an idea....a new product for me, to have at this months Yarraville market, on soon.
But the best fun was doing this- I wonder, who cleans execs keyboards when they spill a drink on it? Maybe they get new ones! I just hope I got them all back on the right way.
oooooh. Looks interesting. I'll have to pop into the market
Hey Bec
Another thing you can do is put a layer of netting over the fabric (like the stuff they use to make tutus) - then you can actually just hang the earrings etc.
For a minute there I thought you had an idea for your keyboard letters and were crafting with those. Hmmn, now I think I've had an idea....
I'm with Tinniegirl ... I thought you were going to do something with the keys. Perhaps a variation on the scrabble tile necklace?!
To see whether you got the keys back on the right way, type the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy sleeping dog. If it comes out as Eht kciuq nworb xof depmuj revo eht yzal gnipeels god there might be an issue.
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