I started the big bedroom clean-up today, not to be confused with the general house cleaning clean up, this is extra! (must remember to turn the lights on on the way to the loo, may trip over something).
This is Little Miss's idea of helping- see the empty bookcase behind her- I didn't specify, but every book was NOT meant to be read before it went on the shelf. We'll be here till Christmas! (note- she wasn't picking her nose, but I like that it looks like it heehee).
The postie arrived to break the monotony- yeah! Yummy oilcloth from here- so cheap, too, plus a pattern, gotta love the sales from the study, yee-ha!
This is one of the patterns, and the other i got off EBay. Half price means not too much stress if she decides not to wear them! I was totally inspired by Kate's review of the pattern.
My next UFO to work on is this pattern I bought, for a lunch bag for school this year. Unfortunately, it will fit my daughter fruit snack! So I'm going to enlarge it, maybe I printed it off wrong, you never know.
And as a little teaser- this bag flap is heading to become a fully grown bag- but no owner in site! Hmm, what to do??
Email me if you want to talk about above mentioned bag. Others are here and here. I really need some advertisers, as I mainly want to do these as custom orders, so even if you want to do a swap, give me a shout.(God, I couldn't even find a pic of my own bag on my own blog. Thanks, Alison!)
As it has taken me about 20mins to write this post, I have decided I really need a new computer. Mine has decided it can't think and play cd's at the same time. I mean, really, I may as well have a man around (jokes, sorry male readers). Think once the rego is paid, it's laptop shopping, yay!
I have to buy a new computer at the moment but can't decide what to get. Aything to get in easier blogging sounds great to me.
Love the look of those patterns. How I wish you could get really nice fun patterns to sew for little boys. *Sigh*
The oilcloth looks ace too. I am wondering if you printed the lunch bag pattern on the same settings as the original shower cap?! ;)
(Yeah, ok ... that last bit was a bit cheeky!!)
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