Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Blogtoberfest Day 16

My girl has an obsession with purple. It's been a while now, she likes everything purple-  some weekends I call her the 'Purple People Eater' as it's head to toe purple! (Sorry for the ear worm)

The millinery stand in Spotlight right near the checkout has been particularly enticing with it's purple headbands and fluffy feathers etc, and now it's racing season and all millinery items were 30%, I caved and bought her a purple headband for $2.75!

It was wrapped in purple ribbon when we got it, but the kiddie decided it needed something;  so a fun afternoon hunt in my (too big) ribbon stash and a hot glue gun....

Voila! One very happy girl and some tidy hair, so happy Mum!

The funniest bit? She never really nags me for stuff like this at a regular store, or if she does it's fleeting. But in Spotlight she knows I'm a pushover haha! At least she wants to craft!

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