This is this weeks projest. Not happy Jan! I thought it would be much bigger. It is for my friend, who has just had a b'day (belated gift) and she loved the fabric (an old curtain from an oppy). I followed a pattern, it is tiny! And the zipper- lets not go there! I am going to unpick the zipper and leave it open, to put another one in would involve LOTS of unpicking!
Friday, October 31, 2008
fri morning
Check out yesterdays op shop finds here. I am going to post all on my blog from now on, as it gets annoying as I have to repost etc. Plus there's lots of 'businesses' over there that take away from the spirit of op shopping, I feel. Anyway, it will all be here in the one place!
This is this weeks projest. Not happy Jan! I thought it would be much bigger. It is for my friend, who has just had a b'day (belated gift) and she loved the fabric (an old curtain from an oppy). I followed a pattern, it is tiny! And the zipper- lets not go there! I am going to unpick the zipper and leave it open, to put another one in would involve LOTS of unpicking!
She wanted a baby/nappy bag, this will only be big enough for 1 nappy. But i'm sure it would be a great craft/sewing bag. Lots of pockets.
I found this fabric yesterday at the oppy, it's a sheet but sewn into a sleeping bag? Anyway, heaps of fabric to use
And a vintage Paddington Bear single sheet
Lovely morning today, taking it easy and then swimming lessons. I have my 2 swimming mum's to thank today- one found out about Thread Den and passed it on to me, and the other told me about a new op shop where she volunteers, and where I found my overlocker table yesterday. Cheers guys!
This is this weeks projest. Not happy Jan! I thought it would be much bigger. It is for my friend, who has just had a b'day (belated gift) and she loved the fabric (an old curtain from an oppy). I followed a pattern, it is tiny! And the zipper- lets not go there! I am going to unpick the zipper and leave it open, to put another one in would involve LOTS of unpicking!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Oppy Wednesday
The yucky virus has hit again, you feel ok for a while, then bang, you're out for another day or two. At least that's my experience. After a day in bed, I ventured out to have good fortune rain on me, from a Salvos shop- known as the most expensive, I grabbed a few definate bargains!
All these handmade doileys were in a little box (without a lid, never mind) for 50c! 12 all up.
A packet of brand new textas, for the Santa sack, for $1.50
Some belts. I have such trouble with my accessories, I'll never buy them new as I can't justify $30 or $40, but when they are $4 a pop, they are mine!
This little bag will make a great pool or beach bag, it made a great "carry eberything home from the op shop" bag, I must say haha
And finally, op shop nirvana, second only to my Prada handbag find (which I don't believe I has posted, but will now) is the...Crumpler bag. $6.75. Gorgeous. Not my pick of colour, but that's what I love about op shops, they push you past what you would normally choose. Tossed up selling it, but will keep it and see if I use it, then if I don't, will pass it on. Kowing I couldn't afford one is an incentive to keep, I think!
All these handmade doileys were in a little box (without a lid, never mind) for 50c! 12 all up.
Monday, October 27, 2008
back to front
Sometimes, the post doesn't come out right, no matter how hard you try! I started this last night, couldn't get the pics in the right order, and today is no different. So I am going backwards to Sat night!
Took some photos of Muzza, and got this one mid yawn! He is trying to look all fierce haha. He was barking like crazy last night, at the cat across the street, drove me (and the neighbourse, i'm sure) nuts at midnight! This really is a yawn, though.
We went to Cotton On Kids yesterday (sun), I love there stretchy jarmies, wanted some long ones fir little miss when it gets chilly at night. And these were $10! I laybyed my overlocker too, yesterday, a Janome 744d. Hopefully will do more stretch sewing then, don't do much on the machine now.
Also got the cute little buttons for the crocs- real crocs, too, $3 form the oppy, and $5 for the buttons. Bring on summer!
As I bought the pj's, I got the singlets on special for $5 each! Which is close to what I paid at Savers! Got a pink and blue to do some design, which, if I get my act together, may be today (Mon).
And lastly, back to Saturday night- a big night in, reminding me and all to "do your ironing and folding as you take it off the line". I had the ironing basket, plus the floding just as high, and sheets- ugh, can't stand it. At least it's over with in one night, I suppose.....except those baskets are now in my bedroom, while I wait for them to put themselves away in my wardrobe...haha.
Took some photos of Muzza, and got this one mid yawn! He is trying to look all fierce haha. He was barking like crazy last night, at the cat across the street, drove me (and the neighbourse, i'm sure) nuts at midnight! This really is a yawn, though.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Had a nice outing today, to the Abbotsford Convent Farmers market, where Little Miss's uncles have a stall. She catches up with her cousins, and we usually get some produce, such as
mmm, salad tonight. A lot of bartering goes on at the end of the market! I found this cool bag in my wardrobe, a find at savers or a dollar or two. It's handmade, I hate the thought of someone receiving it and throwing it out, so I saved it. great size, and love the colours- a new favourite!
Tried this frock on this morning, but alas, must have bought a 10 (op shop purchase) as it won't do up! Oh, well, save the fabric for a bag, maybe.
And lastly, the thread den social sewing night was great last night, the girls are lovely and they have great big tables to transfer patterns and cut out! Saved the knees for once. I am making the dress and tunic top from this pattern, which I have had for ages. It has different sizing, so I am 16 (!), bit hard to say as I am a 10-12. Will post fabrics when they are done! But lets just say, when picking sheets from op shops, make sure they haven't been used as painting sheets, or you will be disappointed like me!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Thought i'd post my own "on my desk", though this is my dining table. This is where all the craft/sewing stuff is dumped, as my dining room is my sewing room :) I have unpicked the spotted pants and am now trying to find a pattern to make something out of them. I also have a pile of ironed fat quarters, my sewing basket I have finished lining (to fill with stuff for tomorrow night at Threadden!), and under that more clothes I am picking apart for fabric.
I found these patterns this morning at savers for $1 each, some cute kids ones. Not sure if the care Bear tracksuit one has the iron on trnsafer, but can't resist a tracksuit dress!
I checked out Forges at Footscray (or as I call it, Dimmeys!), they have a great Haby section now, I picked up one of these for $2.15. I'll give it a go, never have much luck with tailor's chalk.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
tutorials i love
The tutorial for the newborn gowns is here. Another cute idea I saw was this one. Even though I have heaps of patterns etc, there are always more, aren't there? Like this one . I already have a larger pencil roll pattern, and could have made this up myself, but I didn't have to. Thanks to the blog world.....
Might make this for the little ones who aren't up to pencils yet. Less fiddly but still a great gift idea.
Might make this for the little ones who aren't up to pencils yet. Less fiddly but still a great gift idea.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
big weekend
Little miss snapped this one of my new apron, I threw it on Fri to get a bit of tidying done, it is as good as my brown one in getting some cleaning done. The blue dress underneath was a $4 from Altona Vinnies the day before, love it, and such good weather on friday, my arms got a bit of sun, yay.
This lettle birdie obviously needed his arms to get a bit of sun, this was outside the pool at swimming lessons, too cute!
Saw some little kids cowboy hats I thought my little one would look cute in, thought I could make one. Found a ladies style straw hat for $2 at newport Vinnies, added a pink band (leftover bias binding) and sewed up the sides. She loves it, wants me to spray it brown, though, like one she saw in a shop. Maybe.....
She got some new pink thongs (I prefer 'flip flops', as it is the sound they make being walked into my room at 8am this morning) and is checking how her knee grazes are going under the bandaid in this pic. She has 3 stacks on Friday, all grazes down the same leg! Just in time for summer haha.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
how quickly it can all change
An update to vent my grief at the end of my day.
My washing machine broke.
Halfway through the 2nd load of about 10. I had my bed linen, little miss's, clothes etc, and the connector to the tap broke and sprayed water everywhere. Thank you for an outside laundry. So 3 trips to Bunnings have resulted in no part to fix it and a killer sore foot as a trolley was rammed into my foot by an employee. My trusty washing machine repairman has been called (love you john), who understands my despair at not being able to fix it myself and won't rub this fact in.
I changed my own broken stop lights on the weekend, so had excess confidence this diy stuff would continue today. Nope.
An online friend has sent me something nice, and am off to put my feet and start on this. Cheers!
My washing machine broke.
Halfway through the 2nd load of about 10. I had my bed linen, little miss's, clothes etc, and the connector to the tap broke and sprayed water everywhere. Thank you for an outside laundry. So 3 trips to Bunnings have resulted in no part to fix it and a killer sore foot as a trolley was rammed into my foot by an employee. My trusty washing machine repairman has been called (love you john), who understands my despair at not being able to fix it myself and won't rub this fact in.
I changed my own broken stop lights on the weekend, so had excess confidence this diy stuff would continue today. Nope.
An online friend has sent me something nice, and am off to put my feet and start on this. Cheers!
Thought I'd show a current picture of Murray- with fur! It is growing back curly, so cute, he is looking normal again. As mum said, it's only a week between a good or bad haircut!
Here's a pic of his beds- he likes a choice to sleep in, and the girls packed all his toys up for him. I originally thought he had done it, because he does drag his toys back to his bed, but this was a bit too clean for even my dog!
Another finished project- two pencil rolls I have made for my sister-in-law, my first comission! My Little Miss took ones look and decided she had to have a red one too, and I used different colour prints on hers- there's no pleasing them sometimes! My sis-in-law is going to drum up some business for me, I hope. Very Christmassy colours!

Have a weekend with my family planned, and work on Sunday at the Parent, Child and Baby Expo in Southbank. Fun fun fun!
Monday, October 13, 2008
forgot something
oops, forgot to mention I am going to a sewing night! Ready Thready Spagetti is next fri, and I just confirmed a babysitter, so yay, it's on! It's here, I love this shop (and not just because it uses Janome machines!)
Which reminds me, Janome have a sale on overlockers, amd going to layby one this week, may have one soon. A bit nervous, is this good or bad? I am a perfectionist sewerand am traumatised by my first use of an overlocker in Grade 7 (1987), where I sewed diagonally and made my square tote bag a triangle one. I cried in class- who can EVER get over that humiliation. The girl I sat with for the next 7 yrs in Textiles and Design now owns this label; and I am worrying about an overlocker?
Which reminds me, Janome have a sale on overlockers, amd going to layby one this week, may have one soon. A bit nervous, is this good or bad? I am a perfectionist sewerand am traumatised by my first use of an overlocker in Grade 7 (1987), where I sewed diagonally and made my square tote bag a triangle one. I cried in class- who can EVER get over that humiliation. The girl I sat with for the next 7 yrs in Textiles and Design now owns this label; and I am worrying about an overlocker?
(Un) finished projects
Got my mojo back yesterday and hit the sewing machine, finished a few UFP's. Loved these tees I found, so turned them into more baby dresses/gowns (I have lots of friends up the duff). Pity is they turn out so cute i want to keep them!
Here's my favourite....
my friend gave me this tee to make her one for her friend, it's short sleeve as it was a girls short sleeve t- shirt, but figured it didn't matter as it was coming into summer
Cute little detail I left on the sleeve. Also didn't hem any edges, as it doesn't fray and it is the 'look' of the shirt.
Couldn't resist this one!
And i'm a big Mooks fan. As I said, trouble is me actually giving them away!
Have to make 2 pencil rolls fby the weekend for my sister-in-law to give as pressies, am using red as the main colour this time, already looking good!
And a get well soon message to my bro-in-law, who is having surgery for a kidney stone on Wed. Ow! Guys with kidney stones always get told the pain is equivalent to giving birth. Just what you want to hear. Get better soon!
Here's my favourite....
And a get well soon message to my bro-in-law, who is having surgery for a kidney stone on Wed. Ow! Guys with kidney stones always get told the pain is equivalent to giving birth. Just what you want to hear. Get better soon!
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy and Sad
Happy Face: :) Beautiful sunny day
My little one at swimming class
Lunch in the park
Taking the dog for a walk
Another park visit
Op shop visit and bought a 40's style cabinet for $45
Dropping little miss to a sleepover so mummy gets a night out
Sad face:( No where and no one to go out with on this night out
Favourite op shop shutting- all seven of the Bargian Browsers!
See the other blog I contribute to for more of my sadness.
i'm glad more happy than sad!
My little one at swimming class
Lunch in the park
Taking the dog for a walk
Another park visit
Op shop visit and bought a 40's style cabinet for $45
Dropping little miss to a sleepover so mummy gets a night out
Sad face:( No where and no one to go out with on this night out
Favourite op shop shutting- all seven of the Bargian Browsers!
See the other blog I contribute to for more of my sadness.
i'm glad more happy than sad!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A wonderful day....
Had a fantastic day today, as it was my 'day off', ie no work, child in child care, my one day out of 7 to do stuff for me. I had my hair done! i can't remember the last time, I have been doing home jobs to cover the grey, this was actual pampering, mmm, nice.
Had breakfast before that at Spoonful, high St Prahan, it was art! Beautiful everything, food was delicious and quick, and great coffee. A real start to my day off.
And as this weeks op shop purchases are in the wash, here are last Thursdays 'op shop Thursday' finds. I bought some melts from DUSK and though I needed a few deeper oil burners; turns out I did, and these ones for a dollar look great!

This was given to me a while ago, can't remember when, but I have had it on my dressing table, looking beautiful
then I found
this gorgeous box at Vinnies Altona. The first thing i've bought from the cabinet! Fits my old rings beautifully! May start a collection....
Other news at hand....
Malvern Spotlight is closing down, and therefore has a sale! massive sale! Until October 31st, got great jewellery making supplies ie bead ans chains, but there was so much on sale, I was sooo good (trying to only sew from the stash!).
Had a shop ot Malvern Salvos, will post finds when dry.
Picked Little Misss up from care, and went to a friends for dinner, and a play- tired and exhausted, we're both going to bed- good night!
Had breakfast before that at Spoonful, high St Prahan, it was art! Beautiful everything, food was delicious and quick, and great coffee. A real start to my day off.
And as this weeks op shop purchases are in the wash, here are last Thursdays 'op shop Thursday' finds. I bought some melts from DUSK and though I needed a few deeper oil burners; turns out I did, and these ones for a dollar look great!
Other news at hand....
Malvern Spotlight is closing down, and therefore has a sale! massive sale! Until October 31st, got great jewellery making supplies ie bead ans chains, but there was so much on sale, I was sooo good (trying to only sew from the stash!).
Had a shop ot Malvern Salvos, will post finds when dry.
Picked Little Misss up from care, and went to a friends for dinner, and a play- tired and exhausted, we're both going to bed- good night!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I failed Blogtoberfest completely, I kept falling asleep! I usually do this (blogging) when I have my 'me time' after little miss is in bed, but i have had so many chores, i'm in bed before I remember to add a post. I suppose I am going for quality not quantity haha. I'm glad I am lucky enough only to have to work 2 days a week, or i'd be a mess. Actually I worked Sunday evening for 8 hrs (see previous post) then babysat 3 kids all day Mon, then worked Tues and Wed- oh, now I know why I'm tired!
I started this project too on Monday- I had 4 old photo albums from my childhood, 70's- early 80's. The plastic was coming off them, they lived forever in a box, and I though, stuff this! A digital album is in the making! Particularly for my divorced parents, they can each have a copy! I have done one album so far, and these are my particular faves.....
Terry towelling jumpsuit- short legs, which you can't see in the photo. Home haircut for the fringe- my fringe would sit EXACTLY like this if I got it cut now- damn cowlick!
My sister and I, me about 6, sis about 1. I like the war injuries on my leg, and her head. We were always getting into scrapes! I had no front teeth in this one, I knocked them out before she was born.
Group shot- my shirts and long socks are very reminiscent of what I try and wear now haha. Maybe not the slippers, though.
the anti-family photo! So happy- we had probably had a smack to pose, and therefore- this is what you get! The structure behind is our cubby house, which I used to clean out regulary, pulling out all the toys, sweeping and sorting, and packing them back in. very good training.....
It's funny how old photos make you feel. I felt a bit depressed after scanning this album, bits you think you've forgotten have come back, and you remember your parents parenting, and hope you aren't repeating their mistakes! I love all the outfits, though, go 70's!
I started this project too on Monday- I had 4 old photo albums from my childhood, 70's- early 80's. The plastic was coming off them, they lived forever in a box, and I though, stuff this! A digital album is in the making! Particularly for my divorced parents, they can each have a copy! I have done one album so far, and these are my particular faves.....
Terry towelling jumpsuit- short legs, which you can't see in the photo. Home haircut for the fringe- my fringe would sit EXACTLY like this if I got it cut now- damn cowlick!

Sunday, October 5, 2008
A freebie
2 freebies, really. Scroll down to the bottom- I found the Paolo Nutini Parky epsiode- on You Tube, of course, is there anything you can't find on there?
So I added that in, and am listening to the cd now, I get so addicted to things! I was sorting my stash last night- another thing I am addicted to, my stash of craft books! Have to be sorted, looked at, played with, and lo and behold- a double! Thought I'd give it someone, anyone want it? Could just give it to an op shop, but happy to post someone who wants it. If you want to see some pics from it, let me know and I'll scan some in, or email them to you.
Found this cartoon on Facebook- not being derogatory to husbands, just cute, I thought. I always say men need to 'fix' things, women need to talk without having their issue fixed. This is so true for that! And the word- midhusband! Cute.
So I added that in, and am listening to the cd now, I get so addicted to things! I was sorting my stash last night- another thing I am addicted to, my stash of craft books! Have to be sorted, looked at, played with, and lo and behold- a double! Thought I'd give it someone, anyone want it? Could just give it to an op shop, but happy to post someone who wants it. If you want to see some pics from it, let me know and I'll scan some in, or email them to you.

Oh, and I called my daughter boefore bed, to be informed she was having a sleepover and could I pick her up in the morning! Ha!
Nearly forgot!
So much for my memory, throw something different in my day and I nearly forget!
I am working an afternoon shift at the parenting centre I work in, and have sent my little one for an afternoon of fun with her little mates, and then off to bed at their house. I have promised I will pick her up at 10.30pm, I wonder if she will know and I could leave her there. She has been SOOOO clingy lately, I don't want to break her trust, though, so I'm pretty sure I will remember to pick her up!
As I am posting from a different computer, I don't have my usual pics, so I will lament over the fact I am missing Idol tonight, in particular my favourite Wes. I am not obsessive about the show or anything (despite this post!), but there are such a great bunch of singers, and Wes is great. Oh, well, will catch up with tomorrow nights show.
Happy watching if you catch it!
I am working an afternoon shift at the parenting centre I work in, and have sent my little one for an afternoon of fun with her little mates, and then off to bed at their house. I have promised I will pick her up at 10.30pm, I wonder if she will know and I could leave her there. She has been SOOOO clingy lately, I don't want to break her trust, though, so I'm pretty sure I will remember to pick her up!
As I am posting from a different computer, I don't have my usual pics, so I will lament over the fact I am missing Idol tonight, in particular my favourite Wes. I am not obsessive about the show or anything (despite this post!), but there are such a great bunch of singers, and Wes is great. Oh, well, will catch up with tomorrow nights show.
Happy watching if you catch it!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
I decided doing 3 posts yesterday has caught me up, seeing as today is the 4th- right? So I was cruising through some old pics, tidying up on the computer a bit, and found some old craft projects. Here is my first cardie and hat ensemble I knitted for a friend's baby (who is modelling it). I love daisy stitches, and was pretty chuffed with it.
In the same batch (ie a miscellaneous batch from Feb 06) I found some of my then 2 yr old, so cute! Being a mummy with her babies. The red polar fleece is still her favourite blanket, I blanket stitched the edges and sewed the lazy daisy's in the centre and on two corners. She still sleeps with it when she can!
The other one is my first ever quilt! My first craft I really got into was counted cross stitch. I started in high school, textiles and design class taught, I still have some unframed from that time. I found this Peter Rabbit one, the story of Peter Rabbit, and then cut up the squares and made them into a cot quilt. I did a second quilt later one with another Beatrix Potter story, there are a lot of them avalable through Green Apple. I found other crafts, though, and only got through 2!
And an awesome one of when tiredness takes over. I remember this day as the 'sturggle for a nap'. She wouldn't go for one, and cried and put up a stink- to then crash out as soon as my back was turned! She slept for ages like cute!
Off to bed, have been photgraphing/cataloguing all my craft books, will have something to post everyday, even if nothing happens!
Friday, October 3, 2008
new things i've found
Tonight I have discovered 2 new things...thank goodness I have had enough energy and coffee to stay up until now!
First is this awesome singer - I found/heard him on the P.S I Love You soundtrack, and then I remembered I had seen him and liked him on Parkinson last year (THE best thing about tv on a Saturday night!). I now have his cd.
And this website- I had it in my favourites, but hadn't looked at it. My friend I rang tonight pointed out this, who has a great blog and I have a few patterns, and this event coming up. More to read, boy, I need a lap top so I can read wherever!
Reading back over the last paragraph, it looks very cryptic! Didn't mean it too, now I can finally link properly, I am overdoing it, I guess. Plus, it is easier to click sometimes, than open a new tab and type the name in google. Plus you can do it at your own leisure.
First is this awesome singer - I found/heard him on the P.S I Love You soundtrack, and then I remembered I had seen him and liked him on Parkinson last year (THE best thing about tv on a Saturday night!). I now have his cd.
And this website- I had it in my favourites, but hadn't looked at it. My friend I rang tonight pointed out this, who has a great blog and I have a few patterns, and this event coming up. More to read, boy, I need a lap top so I can read wherever!
Reading back over the last paragraph, it looks very cryptic! Didn't mean it too, now I can finally link properly, I am overdoing it, I guess. Plus, it is easier to click sometimes, than open a new tab and type the name in google. Plus you can do it at your own leisure.
catching up
After going to bed at 7pm every night for a week, I have serious catching up to do on here and around the house. The flu hit me Thursday, so I don't know what excuse I had the other days- chronic fatique, I guess! I thought i'd show off some of my polka dot obsession items.
I got about 2-3 metres of this polka dot cord from an op shop, it has made a great jacket, I just need a button and button hole (yeah, yeah, i'll get there). I didn't do the pockets on the front, as I wanted it to sit flat, and I topstitched around the collar and lapel as it was a bit thick. Pattern is
this one
Also, when op shopping last week came across these pants for $7, I didn't even try them on- going to use the fabric! So nice, I know the fit won't work for me (not sure if it would for anyone, really) so I think I scored ok. Not sure what to make, a jacket maybe for little miss next winter? Or a skirt and jacket, not sure.

Maybe a bag, too? Endless possibilities. If I ever get my book stash sorted. I will post some pics of them later, as I have been procrastinating with putting them away. Ugh.
I got about 2-3 metres of this polka dot cord from an op shop, it has made a great jacket, I just need a button and button hole (yeah, yeah, i'll get there). I didn't do the pockets on the front, as I wanted it to sit flat, and I topstitched around the collar and lapel as it was a bit thick. Pattern is
this one
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