I failed Blogtoberfest completely, I kept falling asleep! I usually do this (blogging) when I have my 'me time' after little miss is in bed, but i have had so many chores, i'm in bed before I remember to add a post. I suppose I am going for quality not quantity haha. I'm glad I am lucky enough only to have to work 2 days a week, or i'd be a mess. Actually I worked Sunday evening for 8 hrs (see previous post) then babysat 3 kids all day Mon, then worked Tues and Wed- oh, now I know why I'm tired!
I started this project too on Monday- I had 4 old photo albums from my childhood, 70's- early 80's. The plastic was coming off them, they lived forever in a box, and I though, stuff this! A digital album is in the making! Particularly for my divorced parents, they can each have a copy! I have done one album so far, and these are my particular faves.....
Terry towelling jumpsuit- short legs, which you can't see in the photo. Home haircut for the fringe- my fringe would sit EXACTLY like this if I got it cut now- damn cowlick!
My sister and I, me about 6, sis about 1. I like the war injuries on my leg, and her head. We were always getting into scrapes! I had no front teeth in this one, I knocked them out before she was born.
Group shot- my shirts and long socks are very reminiscent of what I try and wear now haha. Maybe not the slippers, though.
the anti-family photo! So happy- we had probably had a smack to pose, and therefore- this is what you get! The structure behind is our cubby house, which I used to clean out regulary, pulling out all the toys, sweeping and sorting, and packing them back in. very good training.....
It's funny how old photos make you feel. I felt a bit depressed after scanning this album, bits you think you've forgotten have come back, and you remember your parents parenting, and hope you aren't repeating their mistakes! I love all the outfits, though, go 70's!
Old photos are the best! I should start doing some digitising too...
ooohhhh.... I'm having a major terry towelling flashack here... remembering sun dresses AND track suits.... NOICE!!!
Oh, the 70s. Did you wear Garanimals? I did. I played your game of tag today. thanks again for tagging me!
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