Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Spot of Decorating

Arghh, still so many boxes to unpack. A busy 2 weeks at work has left a day or 2 on the weekend to unpack, and I hit it hard today! The child's room was first to be done (I figured she'd have somewhere to go and hide then when I was doing the other rooms).
And don't laugh- I still can't find the screws for the beds, so the mattress on the floor and part of the bed to measure the height was the best I can do! Low expectations in this house......
I REALLY did think this was an original one, but no, Adairs kids thought of it first. Expect Little Miss painted her wooden 'dream' and I chucked out the mirrored ones. We love the clouds though. And her and Tinniegirl's 'light as a feather' painting (she changed the way it hung, needed a change) was first on the wall!

She's gone from 24 cubes to 8- lots of decisions had to be made!

and some arty-farty (out of focus) ones she took while I was busy- my sewing room

new toothbrush holder/ soap dispenser

and one she wanted back on the wall in the hallway- the first canvas I made for her when I got her big bed, about 2 and 1/2 she was.

It is fun finding and recycling old stuff, appreciating what I started with and where I'm at. Now if you bed screws can hear me, IT'S NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!
EDIT: They heard me! Today, the 23/3/2010 something said to me "move those 2 split garbage bags of child's bed cushions back to the garage' and I did- deciding to combine them into one big bag. And there they were, in a blue version of a green shopping bag, some legs from my bed, screws and hopefully some Allen keys.
Off to buy a lottery ticket!
(I will tape them to the bed next time, I promise!)


CurlyPops said...

Oh dear! I think it's time to head to Bunnings to buy some more screws.

Tania said...

Your bed screws are hanging out with my damnation sunglasses. Having to walk around with some bizarre Mr versions perched on my nose - but you're right, I am at least sleeping in an elevated state.

Unknown said...

No help to you whatsoever now (but might help someone else) - when moving, place screws/bolts in a zip-lock bag and tape it to the bed frame with packing tape.

It looks like you are making yourselves at home.

Snooze said...

you are unpacking so quickly ... i'm sure i still have unpacked boxes from 20 years ago!

Andi said...

Glad to see you're settling in!!

Jodie said...

Great work on the unpacking!!! I've still got boxes lurking somewhere to be unpacked from 3 years ago... Sad, I know...

Hugs - Jodie :0

Unknown said...

My husbands phone has gone missing , maybe off with the screws !!

small forest said...

If it makes you feel any better Im still unpacking/sorting over here.

The thing I do is (not helpful now either)always have my toolbox handy to put stuff into and that helps mostly. Except of course when im not around to put the stuff in and THEY undo furniture without me.

p.s I am passing on a Kreative Blogger Award to yours truly when you get the chance, no hurry. Please see my blog for more info, Wendy x