OK, it's been a busy one, I didn't even notice I didn't get a nap in!
First up is my last project of the day (I still have night time to come heehee). It's the Catch Kidston bag that comes with the MAKE book. It was sitting on my shelf staring at me, and I needed a bag to carry my knitting in....
Perfect, don't you think? I added a magnetic snap, too hard to turn the tube to make a button loop!
I also snatched this one up ($2.50) I don't mean that to sound violent, but has anyone been to Savers at 9am on a sale day? Madness. I have 2 thicker ones in this colour, same style, I am really attracted to them, don't know why. Thought this will be goof when you are in heating, not too bulky.
And I found this little number for Little Miss ($3). Actually it was for shrinking, its acrylic/nylon/angora, so soft, but non-shrinkable! And Little Miss decided she liked it, if I dyed it another colour. Any tips??