Ok, it's been good! Stick through the post, you'll go "WOW'. (I hope, anyway). My only problem is I have pics out of day order, but heh, I've decided I'm a half-perfectionist, like it for some stuff, don't care for others. I guess the most recent got first dibs!
So my Liverpool dress is done, this was actually a toile, thought I'd wear it around the house- heehee, it may be seen this weekend! 
I also did this one- it's a bit big! The measurments are from size 2-size 20, and I measured between 12-14. I thought i'd cut it on a 14- then you find the sizes are double, ie 2/4, 6/8, 10/12, 14/18, 18/20! It's nice and roomy for layering, though. And I lurve this sheet.
Tonight I'm throwing together a lunchbag to show 'n tell at S.I.T, can't get tired of sewing great fabrics, can you? This one may be up for a swap or something, not sure yet.
Tuesday (and this is where i'm out of order) I caught up with Tracey and we hit the Nanna craft mett up, I had a ball! Cups of tea were 20c, and this wool was for taking. I scored the granny squares too, which might become pin cushions or pockets or something. There were a few dirty jokes in there too, so you have to have your wits about you at those shindigs.
Lastly, in all the drama of the week with my father, and his being ordered to leave my house, I forgot to show you the gold I scored off my Grandma- cool, huh? I have found the manual, too, it's under Rival in Google, if anyone is looking for it! And 'slow cooker' reveals more than 'crock pot', I found! (Despite the front of the machine's hint)
So that's it for now, back to the machine and more sewing, I'm loving finally getting back into it and ignoring the chores!
And if anyone is ever whinging their swap item is late, I haven't recieved mine for S.I.T yet, and I need it for tomorrow night!
wow, you have been a very busy woman!! Dress looks great.
Woohoo! You have been very busy this week. Sounds like lotsa fun!
What a week!
Hope you are rady to relax tomorrow night - and I can't wait to see your handmade goodness in the form of the Liverpool.
Disappointing your swap item has not arrived.
Fingers crossed it will arrive tomorrow Bec! And fingers crossed my other half arrives home in time for me to make it tomorrow night too!!!
So so busy... Seriously Bec, I don't know how you do it!
See you tonight. Looking forward to it.
so very nice to hang out with you yesterday Bec. YOur dress was ace, by the way!
Hi Bec, I must REALLY apologise, a few weeks back I entered your wonderful wool giveaway and my computer was at the doctor and so I was visiting blogs on my daughter's laptop, well it seems I have entered your giveaway under her blog as she is always signed in and I forgot!! and because I haven't been able to visit many blogs in the last few weeks I hadn't checked back, so Zoe-Jane is actually me! Zoe is my daughter and she told me tonight you had left her a message I am soooooooooooooooo sorry for my slackness and yipppeeeeee I won your wonderful giveaway! THANK YOU I will email you my address xx
WOW you have *my* crock pot. Well actually mine is sitting on my kitchen bench. I didn't think any one else would keep one for 30 years ( I was vey young when I purchased it $19.99 at Woolworths)
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