I know i'm not one, well, compared to my little one I am, but birthdays always bum me out, I feel the year tick over VERY LOUDLY! I thought i'd share some of fave pic's in the last few years- there are always good ones of little miss, and the one of me is one she took of me on the train! She's better at them than me, I think! And in case you wanted to know, i'm 34 tomorrow.

She has always loved nuding up, and still does, i don't know when (or if) it will stop. She still does a little happy dance before her bath in her birthday suit. Which cracks me up of course!
School went very well, she was very impressed and happy to see me after the hour and a half. She now knows where everything is, and as we sometimes play in the school ground playground in the evenings, she is getting more confidence every day. I went for a Savers fix affter I dropped her back at day care, and even found her school uniform! A checked navy and white dress for $2.99. Lovin' that.
HAppy Birthday to you, you little spring chickens, both of you!
My little P is 5 on the 5th, so day before!
Many Happy Returns fellow op shopper and passionista. You have a lot more years on the charity circuit - isn't that something to look forward to. Enjoy a yummy slice of cake or two. Kazza x
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